Thursday, June 30, 2011

Power Force #1: Power Force Part 1: A Force To Be Reckoned With

Power Force #1:
Power Force Part 1: The Force of Power

Two weeks ago.

Alarms rang through out the base as General Archer ran to the command center. He was pleased to see that his men had arrived before him. He had trained them well.


“Five bogie's came out of that wormhole we detected a week ago. They opened fire as soon as they passed Mars”

“Return fire!”

Before the crew could respond, the station shook as the hull was breached.

“Hull breach in the Inferno Bay.”

“Seal it off. Security teams report to Inferno Bay!”

“Sir! The enemy is retreating!”


“External sensors are fuzzy at best, but the enemy is withdrawing towards the

“Status of the Inferno Bay?”

“Sensors are down. We’ll have to send in a team to check it out.”

“What do we do now General Archer?”

“What we have been preparing for. After all this time, they’ve arrived. We need to find the Rangers.”

Present day
River City Observatory


Jonathon Harper looked up from his computer and turned towards his father. “What is it dad?”

“Remember the flashes of light I saw coming from the moon a few weeks ago?” Professor Harper said as he walked away from his telescope. “Well I just saw some more. Not only that, but there was a meteor coming from the same place.”

“And this is amazing because…”

“Because the meteor might explain the flashes of light I saw. Not only that, but it might be the evidence we need to prove the existences of alien life forms. I want you to go find it.”

“Where is it?”

“According to my calculations, it is somewhere in Florida. I’ll upload the coordinates into your phone while you get ready.”

A few days later

“I don’t want to doubt you dad Jon, but are you sure that meteor hit near here?”

Jon turned towards Dan. After coming back empty handed so many times, he sill stuck by him. He appreciated that friendship.

“In case you forgot, the Everglades are kind of big.” Angie replied as she checked the Geiger counter. “That is why we brought this. If that thing is giving off any radiation, we’ll find it.”

Dana swatted a mosquito on her shoulder. “I’m more concerned with finding some bug spray. Who’s job was it to bring some?” She said as she looked to her left.

Nick held up his hands in defense. “Ok. I forgot to pack it, but it’s not my fault Jon refused to stop on the way here.”

Before Jon could say anything to defend himself, the Geiger counter started beeping.

“We got something!”

The five of them ran in the direction the counter showed as the beeps continued to increase in speed. After a few minutes the trees parted and they saw the meteor. A path of destruction showed its path before coming to a stop in front of them.

“If this thing is radioactive, should we be standing so close to it?” Nick said, looking at Angie.

She looked at the Geiger Counter. “Don’t worry. It’s giving off about the same rads as a microwave.”

“So why is the counter beeping like that?” Dan said with concern.

Jon looked at his friend. “You’re a scientist, right?”

Before Dan could reply the meteor was shaken by an explosion. They took a few steps back as debris showered down on them. Black smoke rose from the far side of the meteor as the air cleared.

“What was that?”

Jon looked at Dan in disbelief. “How did you graduate? Even a five-year old watching a lame show like Power Rangers knows what an explosion is.”

“I know what an explosion is. I saw enough of them as your lab partner.”

Jon stared angrily at his friend for a few second before smiling. “Nicely played.”

“I think he meant what caused the explosion.” Angie said with an annoyed sigh. “Any thing that could explode should have by now.”

“Guys! I not to concerned with what caused it. I’m more concerned with what those are.” Nick said, pointing towards the meteor.

They looked to where he was pointing and saw several creatures emerging from the far side of the meteor. Although they were stooped over as if preparing to pounce, they were well over six feet tall. They each held a staff like weapons at their waist, ready to strike. A clattering, clicking sound could be heard as the moved their heads from side to side, their glowing red eyes scanning the area.

“My they grow the roaches big down here.” Dan said.

“Must be a combination of swamp gas, UV rays, and T.V. singles.” Jon added.

Dana joined in. “Those will rot your brain.”

“I’m more concerned with what those things will do to our bodies if they get us.” Nick replied.

“Um, guys” Angie said, “I got an idea. Lets run.”

They turned to run, but the movement caught the creatures’ attention. They leaped towards the group, covering a dozen yards with each jump. Soon they were surrounded.

“So much for that idea.” Nick said. “Anyone got a plan B?”

“We fight.” Jon replied.

“Now there’s a great idea.” Dana said sarcastically. “The last time I heard something that dumb it involved a president and non-existent weaponry.”

“I know we don’t stand a chance, but we might be able to take a few of them out with us.”

They struck, each doing their best, but it was no use. They were pushed back by the creatures, who pointed their staffs at the friends.

“Not that it means much now” Dana said as she looked at Jon, “ but I hate you.”

“Sorry about this guys.” Jon said. “If you hadn’t come with me, you would be safe.”
Angie looked at her boyfriend. “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”

“It’s been nice knowing y’all” Dan said, “But unless some one has a plan C, I guess I’ll be seeing you in Hell.”

Before anyone could reply, weapons fire rained down around them. Everyone looked up to see a white helicopter fly out of the sun. It continued to fire, driving the creatures back. As soon as there was room, it turned and landed. A door in the side opened and several men with rifles pilled out and opened fire on the creatures. A man in a military uniform stood in the doorway and shouted to them.

“Get in! Hurry!”

As they entered the helicopter, Jon turned to the man. “Who are you?”

“I’ll explain everything once we are in the air.”

As soon as the friends were on board, the soldiers boarded and the helicopter took to the air, leaving the creatures behind.

The cabin of the helicopter was silent as they flew through the air. The soldiers talked quietly, obviously excited. After a few minutes Jon broke the silence.

“So where are we going?”

“There.” The man said, pointing out the window.

The friends looked and saw, as the helicopter broke through the clouds, a giant flying fortress. Easily large enough to hold a small town, the aircraft carrier like fortress was impressive to behold. The gray paint was largely unadorned, with no identifying marks except for a large upside-down triangle shaped insignia on the side. The insignia consisted of a backwards P, with an F right next to it. The ends of the letters came to a point, forming the bottom point of the triangle.

“Welcome to Sky Base.”

The Helicopter entered a bay and docked. They entered the base and walked down the hall, following the man until they got to a meeting room.

“Are you hungry?”

Jon spoke first. “No, now where are we?”

“Your very inquisitive Jon.”

“How do you know his name?” Angie asked, shocked.

“Simple. This is Power Force, a government sanctioned strike force. When you entered PF1, bioscanners determined who you were and that info was uploaded to my phone.”

“Bioscanners.” Nick said with a laugh. “What do you think this is, Star Trek?”

“You would be surprised by what we have here.”

Before the man could continue, Dan interrupted him.

“Let’s go back to the beginning. Who are you and what’s going on here?”

“Fair enough. I know who you are. I am General David Archer, commanding officer of Power Force.”

“And that is?”

“We are a government sanctioned strike force, ordered to protect the Earth from all threats.’

“So what’s this got to do with us?”

“We need your help. Three weeks ago we detected a wormhole. Before we could investigate, aliens emerged from it. They attacked us, and now they have their eyes set on the Earth.

“Yeah right. Aliens attacked.” Nick said sarcastically. “What next? Santa Clause is an ape and the elves are from Mars?”

“You saw those things in Florida. What would you call them? The truth is we’ve known they were coming for quite a while. Back in the forties an alien ship crashed near Roswell, New Mexico.”

“Your saying those things were here back then!” Angie said with surprise.

“No. What you fought this morning were Rahkai, kind of like foot soldiers. The ship that crashed that day was a Dalray ship. They came to warn us. The Solarians had decided to take over the Earth and use our natural resources to help them conquer the galaxy. Their ship was experimental, allowing them to get here in a fraction of the time it would normally take. Unfortunately it was damaged in the escape and it crashed. Only one crew member survived. He died a few years later, but before he died, he taught us how to use their technology. Since then we have been preparing for this day.”

Silence filled the room before Jon spoke.

“You’ve kept this stuff a secret from everyone for over sixty years. So why are you telling us now?”

“Because we need you to use the technology we have developed to defeat the Solarians.”

“Hold on a sec.” Dan said, laughing. “You are a government sponsored group. You have your pick of the best in the military. Why do you need us to use it?”

“Because we tried the best, and even with the tech, even though they knew it was a simulation, they still froze up when it mattered most. The five of you chose to fight. That is why we need you.”

The room was once again filled with silence. A silence that was broken by a soldier walking into the room.

“Sir. We have Rahkai activity in River City.”


“Near the observatory.”

“Dad!” Jon said quietly,

Archer turned toward the five people sitting around the table. “Well, it’s come to this. An alien force has attacked our planet and they are starting in your hometown. Not only you home town, but in your case Jon, in your front yard. I’m not going to make you do anything, but at the moment, you are River City’s only hope.”

Jon looked at his friends before looking at the general. “I can’t speak for you guys, but I’m in.”

“You know I got your back bro.” Dan said, slapping his friend on the back. “I’m in.”

Angie looked at Jon and smiled. “I wouldn’t be a very good girlfriend if I let you face this alone.”

“You’re not doing this with out me amiga.” Dana said, looking around the room.

Everyone looked at Nick. “I’m not gonna be the one to say no.”

Jon smiled as he looked at his friends. “Looks like it unanimous. So what do we do?”

Archer took out a briefcase and opened it, revealing five oval shaped objects.
“These are your Nanite Transformation Devices, or NTDs. They contain Nanites, microscopic robots that will form your uniforms, and later your weapons. Each NTD holds three charges before having to be recharged.”

The friends reached out and each took an NTD, placing them on the back of their forearms as Archer showed them to. After looking at them for a bit, Nick asked the question on everyone’s mind.

“So what do we do now?”

“Press the button on the top of the NTDs and say the activation words,” Archer said with a smile.

“And that would be?”

Archer pointed to the view screen. “I could tell you, but I think I would rather hear the five of you say it for the first time.”

The group looked at the view screen and hit the button, raising their hands above their heads.


Rahkai roamed the lawn outside the observatory as a large creature directed them. Suddenly, five columns of light illuminated the yard. As the light faded, five people in dressed in black, with different colored markings on their uniforms. The one in the center, marked with red, scanned the yard.

“Dana, Nick. Take care of those fires. Angie, Dan. Take care of the Rahkai.”

Angie, wearing black and white, looked at him. “What about you?”

“I have to check on my dad. I need you guys to run interference for me.”

The group split up, meeting resistance as they ran towards the observatory. As they fought, they realized something was different.

“This is a lot easier then before” Dan said as he knocked a Rahkai down.

Over their helmet communication systems, Archer explained it to them. “The nanites have increased your speed and strength, as well as providing you with armor. It’s not strong, but it should be enough to stop bullets.”


“We haven't had a chance to test most of this stuff, and some of it is being completed and brought on line as we go.”

Dana smiled beneath her face plate. “Leave it to the US Government to send people into battle with untested equipment.”

As his friends fought the Rahkai, Jon fought his way into the observatory. He found his father beneath some fallen equipment in the lap. Moving the equipment, he checked to make sure he was ok.

“Da...Sir,” Jon said, almost revealing his identity. “Are you ok?”

Dr. Harper answered weakly. “I'm fine. Thank you for helping son.”

“Lets get you to someplace safe.”

As they made their way to the storm shelter, Dr. Harper looked out the window. “All these years of searching. All those years of wondering if I was right. Ever since my dear sweet Jill was abducted, I've tried to find proof that I was right. She was abducted by aliens. She didn't die in that car crash. I know my son doesn't believe me, not as much as he says he does, but I'm sure he will be excited that I was right, and even more excited that his mother might still be alive.'

“You might be surprised sir.” Jon said stunned that his mom was the reason they had been searching for alien life all these years. He had been young when they lost her, almost too young to remember her, and he had thought his father was mad for thinking Aliens had taken her. Most of the scientific community had agreed, ridiculing his father's work. The thought that his mom might still be alive and that his dad had been right all along brought a smile to his lips. “I'm sure he will be as excited as you are that you were right.”

Once in the storm shelter, Jon looked at the walls. The walls might not be strong enough to keep the Rahkai out, but the would slow them down a bit. And if they gt past Jon and his friends, that might be enough to save his father.

“I have to go stop those things, but you should be safe here.”

“Go son. I'll be fine. Good luck, and thank you.”

Once outside, Jon rejoined the fight but no matter what they did, they couldn't get the Rahkai to stay down. They regrouped as the Rahkai advanced on them.

“Man, nothing we do stops these things! Anyone have any ideas?'

“Maybe if someone brought some bug spray we wouldn't have this problem.”

Nick sighed. “I don't think they make a big enough can of Deep Woods Off for these guys Dana.”

Before anyone can say anything else, General Archer startled them all. “You have something better. Those pouches on your hips have blasters in, just like the ones the soldiers who rescued you in Florida carry as side arms. We turned up the power as high as we could, but it should buy you some time until weapons on line.”

They drew their blasters in unison and began firing, driving the Rahkai back. Angie carefully took aim and fired, hitting one in the eye. It screamed in pain as yellow blood sprayed from it's eye.

Before she could say anything, the Rahkai were knocked to the side. Before them was a creature that towered over the Rahkai, the moon light shining off it's armored form and the sword it held in it's hand.

“Pitiful creatures. Resistance is futile. The Solarian Empires will conquer this planet and use it's resources to dominate the rest of the galaxy. Surrender now, and I will grant you a quick, painless death.”

In response, the team opened fire, but the creature shrugged off the blaster fire, laughing.

“Fools! You thought your puny weapons could stop Pirantus? I am a general in the Solarian Imperial Army! A comet crashing to Earth could not stop me.” raising his sword, Pirantus smiled. “For Lord Tackerus!”

Pirantus charged at the friends, forcing them to dive out of the way. They tried to fight back, but they were no match for the alien life form before them. They regrouped on the other side of the lawn, trying to figure out their next move.

“That worked well.” Dan said. What's the next plan, shouting get him?”

Jon shook his head, trying to get rid of the stars that danced before them from Pirantus' last attack. “General Archer, any word on those new weapons you mentioned?”

On Sky Base, Archer checked a computer screen as a technician finished typing in come commands. “Uploading the Thunder Hammer and Power Tonfas to your NTD and Angie's. Your H.U.D. Should be showing the command code to summon them.”

Within moments of Archer saying it, the commands appeared on screen. Summoning their weapons, Angie and Jon rushed Pirantus. After knocking Angie down, Pirantus swung his sword. She blocked it with her Tonfas and Jon leaped into the air, bringing the Thunder Hammer down towards the alien's head. It dodged at the last moment and Jon swung again. Pirantus grabbed a Rahkai, pulling it in front of him. The hammer crashed through the Rahkai's armor, severing it's spine. All three of them looked at it as Pirantus let go. Jon tightened his grip and prepared to swing again when Pirantus smiled. Seconds later he disappeared in a flash of green light along with the remaining Rahkai.

Back on the Sky Base, the team was greeted with applause. Archer walked up to them with a smile on his face as they removed their helmets.

“Great job down their. There is someone who wants to talk to you.”

On the screen over looking the command room, the President appeared.

“Congratulations Rangers. The country owes you a debt of gratitude. I am sure General Archer chose well when he chose you to defend this country and the world.”

As the President's message ended Jon looked at his friends. We may have won today, but something tells me the battle has just begun.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Series Premier July 4